Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives, France

ceaCEA is a French research agency working in the field of energy. Its Fundamental Research Division has a strong activity in the development of novel materials for catalysis and PEMFC technology. The team "Solar Fuels, Hydrogen and Catalysis" (SolHyCat - led by Vincent Artero, Research director at CEA) at CEA Grenoble, is part of a joint CEA-CNRS-Université Grenoble Alpes joint research unit (JRU) called Laboratory of Chemistry and Biology of Metals. The SolHyCat team has over 15 years’ experience in bio-inspired catalysis for hydrogen production and oxidation and currently comprises 5 staff members and 8 post-docs and PhD students. The team focuses on the development of noble-metal free electro and photo(electro)catalytic systems related to HER, HOR and CO2 reduction. The discoveries arising from this research can be considered as breakthroughs in the field of energy applications, including hydrogen uptake and production. SolHyCat has a widely recognised international reputation in the field of molecular electrocatalysis and photoelectrocatalysis and has pioneered the development of bioinspired non-PGM HOR catalysts that will be further optimized in CRESCENDO.

Further information about CEA is available at:

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